
"You can sleep when you're dead!"

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Bush Creates National Security Catastrophe :: Intervention Magazine :: War, Politics, Culture
Worth the read.
WorldNetDaily: Kerry whacks Bush on WMD comment: "This cheapens the sacrifice that American soldiers and their families are dealing with every single day."
Do you think anyone attending one of the 585+ funerals for the soldiers killed in Iraq found anything to laugh or joke about? Maybe Mr. Bush could find some time in his 'busy' schedule to attend a funeral or two, out of respect. Maybe he could do a few jokes for the family to lighten the mood.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

CNN.com - Passion tickets bear 'mark of the beast' - Mar. 1, 2004: "The number 666, which many Christians recognize as the 'mark of the beast,' is appearing on movie tickets for Gibson's film at a Georgia theater, drawing complaints from some moviegoers. "
Two thoughts:
1) Maybe Mr. Gibson himself (or maybe his dad) is the beast
2) Maybe God just happens to have a great sense of humor

(I'm hoping for #2)

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